CP Cis Trans Male Erotica



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This section is available to anyone who wants to share a thought or start a discussion about trans men, cis men, transgenderism, discrimination, sexual practices... You name it, as long as it is respectful, you may post it here. You must submit your post to our moderator to filter out any inappropriate posts (hateful, mean-spirited, spam or illegal). No names or email addresses will be posted. Give us a nickname you want to accompany your post.

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Topic: Is a cis man who is exclusively attracted to trans men a fetishist by default (de facto)?

CG (8-8-20): This is a particular offensive issue for me, a cis man. I have been kicked out of groups or social media dating sites because I post that I want to find a trans man as my partner. The moderators have told me I am fetishizing trans men and won't allow a post specifically asking for a reply from a transgender man. Really? Wanting to date a transgender man is fetishizing him? I wonder what their definition of "fetishist" is? To recognize one is attracted to transgender men and want to start a relationship with a guy is no more fetishizing him than a gay cis man posting an ad for a bottom, or a top, or for a slender guy or a bear or... No one would raise any questions of legitimacy for those post, why attack a cis man that wants to date a trans man? I don't get it.

JR (8-11-20):

Aren't we all fetishist in some way if that is the case? I love it when cisguys want me because I am FTM - bring em on :) It beats the hell out of explaining myself to every guy who hits on me.


Topic: How do cis men or trans men find one another?

Topic: What is your favorite sexual position for fucking and why?

Topic: Best website for transgender support is...?

Topic: Start your own here by emailing in a topic and post...



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