CP Cis Trans Male Erotica



Trans/Cis/Bio Oh My! Or, What the fuck are they talking about?

Updated July 26, 2019

This section is to help anyone interested in exploring terminology or vocabulary in which you may not be familiar. We have set up a list of vocabulary terms and a common definition of each. Note, not everyone will agree 100% with all our definitions and they are not meant to be the "be-all and end-all" of transgender vocabulary but more of a starting point to build a common vocabulary. It is highly recommended that those who want discussion about gender and sexual orientation, particualarly in the sense of trans men, please read the Gender Identity Essay (updated June 1, 2107) written for a book that has since been abandoned. However, we've had great feedback about our discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation.


Cis - (short for cisgender) born with the gender parts with which he or she identifies - example: a cis man - born with male parts and identifies as a male, a cis woman - born with female parts and identifies as a female

Trans - (short for transgender) born with the other gender's parts for which he or she identifies - example: a trans man - born with female genitalia (sex organs) but identifies as a male, trans woman - born with male genitalia (sex organs) but identifies as a female

Bio - born with the gender parts with which he or she identifies - example: bio man - born with male parts and identifies as male, bio woman - born with female parts and identifies as a female (Note: some people prefer the term cis because the prefix bio is short for biological and some people believe that trans men are also born male but simply with the wrong genitalia so they are bio by definition)

Transgender - see trans

FTM - is an acronym for "female to male" meaning this person was born with female genitalia (sex organs) and has or is transitioning to male. Often this term is used synonymously with trans man or trans male.

Trans man or transgender man or transman or trans male - a person born with female genitalia but identifies as male - usually synonymous with "FTM," however, some trans men do not like the term FTM and exclusively use trans man or trans male. May or may not have had surgery or be using hormones for transition.

MTF - is an acronym for "male to female" meaning this person was born with male genitalia (sex organs) and has or is transitioning to female. Often this term is used synonymously with trans woman or trans female.

Trans woman or transgender woman or transwoman or trans female - a person born with male genitalia but identifies as female. May or may not have had surgery or be using hormones for transition.

Gender non-conformist or gender neutral or GNC - a person who does not identify with one gender or another, often used to indicate the person does not accept the binary choice of male or female.

Gender queer or genderqueer or GQ - purposely ambiguous concerning gender, often used to indicate the person does not accept the binary choice of male or female.

Gender fluid - this means a person may move from one gender identify to another or no gender at all during various times of their life, day, or circumstances.

AFAB - means assigned female at birth. The individual may or may not be transgender, it is simply a way to identify someone who was assigned a female body at birth. This term has become much more popular in the last few years as a general description of what a person is born with in terms of genitalia. Of course, transgender men and women don't identify with the gender usually assigned to those sex organs but the term is very helpful in understanding a person's birth genitalia without making an assertion as to the current gender identity.

AMAB - means assigned male at birth. The individual may or may not be transgender, it is simply a way to identify someone who was assigned a male body at birth. This term has become much more popular in the last few years as a general description of what a person is born with in terms of genitalia. Of course, transgender men and women don't identify with the gender usually assigned to those sex organs but the term is very helpful in understanding a person's birth genitalia without making an assertion as to the current gender identity.

Misgendering - is when someone assigns the incorrect gender to an individual based on misinformation or lack of information based on faulty assumptions. Please use the proper pronoun for each person based on his/her/their (see below) identity, not your assumption.

Pronouns "they, them, their" - these plural pronouns may be used as singular when referring to someone who is gender neutral/non-conforming or fluid. Although, not proper grammatically, it is acceptable to use plural pronouns for individuals as a way to avoid misgendering someone who prefers not to be placed in a either of the binary genders (male or female - him or her).

Transition - the process of reassigning one's gender identity. Usually, referring to a specific cognitive decision to take steps to accept and appear in one's accepted gender. A few transgender people use the definition to mean the commencement of using hormones to mark the beginning of their transition; a more generally accepted definition of transition is when one begins to accept himself or herself as male or female and switch to the appropriate pronouns. Each individual will likely define his/her own transitional phases and benchmarks.

Passing - when a transgender person appears to the public as the gender with which they identify. Note: some trans men find this term offensive or degrading, so, generally, one should not ask if a trans man is passing. We include the term as a point of reference in case you hear or see the term used by a trans man or trans woman.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) - HRT in this context is used to describe someone who is taking hormones to change their presentation of gender. See testosterone, estrogen, and testosterone blocker below.

Testosterone or T - a male hormone often injected by trans men to help with the transition to outwardly appear male. The hormone is also available in gel form. Note: Do not confuse the term with the popular drug culture term Tina or T meaning meth.

Estrogen (Estrodial) - a female hormone often taken orally or via injections by trans women to help with the transition to outwardly appear female. See testosterone blocker below.

Testosterone Blocker (Spironolactone) - a anti-andogen to supress testosterone in trans women transitioning to female. Usually, taken with estrogen to help a trans women outwardly appear female.

T-cock - a clitoris that has been enlarged by the use of testosterone - a natural side effect of a person born with a clitoris taking testosterone. Note: as with vagina and front hole, trans men vary greatly on use of the term clit, dick or t-cock to describe the clitoris. It is recommended that one ask the trans man's preference for which term he prefers, or again, listen to the way he discribes it.

Cis cock - a penis that is natural in that the man was born with it.

Vagina - the technical medical term for the sex organ cis women are born with, some trans men use the term as well. See front hole and man hole below.

Front Hole - another term for the vagina. Some trans men prefer the term over vagina. NOTE: one should never use the term "pussy" or "cunt" to describe a trans man's vagina without prior permission, these words are often considered offensive by many trans men. We are not making a judgment on the issue, simply informing our readers. As with all people, it is best to listen to which term he uses and follow his lead.

Man Hole or Mangina- see front hole

Gender or Sexual Reassignment Surgery or GRS or SRS - Generally speaking, GRS means a transgender person has removed his or her biological sex organs and had them replaced with the correct gender's sex organs in which he/she identifies. See below for various surgeries.

Metoidioplasty - also know as Meta or Meto. It is when the clitoris is surgically enhanced by hormones and/or cutting away some tissue around the clitoris to make it larger and more penis-like. This surgery generally does not require a closure of the vaginal opening (vaginectomy). Many trans men have this procedure and keep their vagina.

Phalloplasty - is a complicated surgery to construct a penis. There are several different types of surgeries which have varying degrees of success. Often when having a phalloplasty trans men will also have a scrotoplasty (creating a scrotum from the labia and inserting artificial testicules in the sack) and vaginectomy (closing of the vagina) at the same time.

Hysterectomy - also know as a histo, or hysto - removal of the uterus. Some trans men will have this surgery for a variety of reasons including concern over atrophy due to long term use of testosterone. Others, have the surgery to remove any doubt of pregnancy or retaining a female organ.

Liposcution or "mansculpting" - a surgical procedure to take fat out of the hips, flank and/or stomach to help a trans man reduce the size of his hips, stomach and/or flank area to help him more easily present his body as male. The term "mansculpting" is used by Dr. Garramonde and we present it here as a point of reference. Please see our educational video with Kipp Slinger discussing his surgeries - click here or the Education link.

Pre-op - the trans man or trans woman has had no surgeries but intends to at some time in the future.

Non-op - usually means the trans man or trans woman has not had any surgery nor plans for surgery in the future.

Post-op top - the trans man or trans woman has had surgery. A trans man who has had "top" surgery has had his breasts removed. A trans woman who has had "top" surgery has had breast enhancement surgery.

Post-op bottom - is often synonymous with sexual reassignment surgery. Generally, it means a meta or phalloplasty for trans men, usually the latter and closing off the vagina. For trans women it means removal of the penis and the creation of a vagina. Most trans men do not use the term for having a hysterectomy only, but some will.

Binder - is a term for the apparatus to flatten a pre or non-op trans man's chest to appear as if he does not have breasts.

Packing - when a trans man uses an artificial penis (packer) to appear like he has a bulge in his pants. Most packers are placed in the briefs or special underwear.

Frottage - the act of rubbing genitals together is the broadest definition. The term is quite commonly used in the gay community to mean rubbing two cocks together. Many cis/trans men use the term to mean the rubbing of the t-cock and cis cock together, either as foreplay or until one or both partners cum.

Bottom - one who receives the insertion of a penis or dildo - usually used in a gay context, a cis man or trans man who prefers a penis penetrating one of his holes is called a bottom. Generally, a cis women who prefers a penis penetrating her is not usually referred to as a bottom. Further, being orally penetration or sucking on a cock is not usually referred to as bottoming. To bottom generally means to be fucked in the ass or for a trans man in his vagina or ass.

Top - one who does the penetrating of another person - usually used in a gay context, the person using his cis cock or strap-on to fuck another person is the top, he is topping. Generally, a man who penetrates a cis woman's vagina is usually not referred to as a top. Further, sticking your cis cock or strap on... in a person's mouth is not considering topping. To top generally means to fuck someone in the ass or for a trans man in the vagina or ass.

Click below for a fee version of a discussion on the difference between sexual identity and sexual orientation among other information of interest.

Gender Identity Essay (updated June 1, 2107)